quinta-feira, 12 de setembro de 2024

La clave para una gestión eficiente de contratos, nóminas y seguros sociales

quarta-feira, 11 de setembro de 2024

sigue a tus empleados para coordinar mejor las misiones

Sistema de geolocalización
sigue a tus empleados para coordinar mejor las misiones
 Equipar mis vehiculos
Identifique la ubicación exacta de cada vehículo

Comuníquese con sus equipos más fácilmente

Adapte las misiones en tiempo real según sus necesidades
 Solicitar un presupuesto
¡Una mejor organización y además una reducción de costos!
El uso de un sistema de GPS le permitirá reducir los costos de combustible en un promedio de 20% gracias a la optimización de sus desplazamientos.
Quiero un GPS

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terça-feira, 10 de setembro de 2024

Bidones de Cristal personalizados con su logo por 0,99 €

¿Sabías que ChatGPT puede ayudarte en tu empresa?. Curso imprescindible de Inteligencia Artificial con ChatGPT

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CHATGPT. Como aplicar la inteligencia artificial en tu empresa

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Tutor Personal

Curso Bonificado


¿Te imaginas transformar tu empresa utilizando la tecnología más avanzada?

 Aprende a integrar ChatGPT en tus procesos empresariales, mejorando la eficiencia y optimizando recursos

¡Imagina tener a tu disposición a un compañero de trabajo que puede ayudarte a resolver problemas, generar ideas innovadoras y brindarte información relevante en cuestión de segundos! Con ChatGPT, esta visión se hace realidad para los trabajadores en su día a día.

Catálogo de FormaciónNuestro dossier de actividades formativas
Cursos DestacadosNuestros cursos bonificados más demandados

Darme de baja

Escuela de Negocios Hispania

quinta-feira, 5 de setembro de 2024

For your own safety, I highly recommend reading this email.

You are in big trouble.
However, don't panic right away. Listen to me first, because there is always a way out.

You are now on the radar of an international group of hackers, and such things never end well for anyone.
I'm sure you've heard of Anonymous. Well, compared to us, they are a bunch of schoolboys.
We are a worldwide network of several thousand professionals, each with their own role.

Someone hacks corporate and government networks, someone cooperates with intelligence agencies on the most delicate tasks,
and someone (including me) deals with people like you to maintain the infrastructure of our group.
"What kind of people like me?" - that is the question you are probably asking yourself now.

The answer is simple: people who like to watch highly controversial and, shall we say,
unconventional pornography on the internet that most normal people would consider perverted.
But not you!

In order to leave you without any doubts, I'll explain how I found it out.
Two months ago, my colleagues and I installed spyware software on your computer and then gained access to all of your devices, including your phone.
It was easy - one of those many pop-ups on porn sites was our work.

I think you already understand that we would not write to an ordinary man who watches "vanilla" and even hardcore porn - there is nothing special about that.
But the things you're watching are beyond good and evil.
So after accessing your phone and computer cameras, we recorded you masturbating to extremely controversial videos.
There is a close-up footage of you and a little square on the right with the videos you're pleasing yourself.
However, as I said earlier, there is always a way out, because even the most degraded sinner deserves leniency.
You are lucky today because I am not a sadist who enjoys other people's suffering.
Only money matters to me.

Here is your salvation: you must transfer $1300 in Bitcoin to this BTC cryptocurrency wallet: 1JD7ozyCXkEforfPRv7m5WCFoAEf5BpMHQ

You have exactly 48 hours to make the payment, so think less, and do more.
As soon as I receive confirmation of the transaction, I will delete all compromising content and permanently disable our computer worm.
Believe me, I always abide by gentleman's agreements. Even with people who are hardly gentlemen. Because it's nothing personal, just business.

If I do not receive a payment, I will send all videos of you to every person in your contact list, messengers and email.
Relatives, loved ones, colleagues, friends-everyone you've ever been in contact with will receive them.
You understand perfectly well that you will never be able to wash this stain on your reputation.
Everyone will remember you as sick as fuck.
Your life will be completely ruined, and, most likely, only a tightened noose around your neck will be able to save the day.

If you haven't dealt with crypto before, I suppose it won't be difficult for you to figure it all out.
Simply type in the "crypto exchange" into the search bar and pay with a credit card. Besides, based on your browser history, you are a savvy user.
When you want to, you can dig into the darkest depths of the Internet, so I'm sure you will be able to find out what is what.

Here is what my colleagues and I should warn you against:
...Do not reply to this email. Do you really think we are so stupid to be tracked by an email address? This is a temporary disposable email.
As soon as I clicked "Send", it was gone for good.
...Forget about law-enforcement authorities. As soon as I see that you are trying to contact them, the compromising material will be published.
Remember, I have access to all your devices, and I can even track your movements.
...Do not reset your devices to factory settings and do not try to get rid of your devices.
It won't help in any way. Look above - my All-seeing eye is watching all your actions. It is easy to hunt you down.

I am sorry that we met in such circumstances. Probably, everything could be different if you had been more careful about what you are doing on the Internet.
Watch yourself from now on, because even such things that you previously considered insignificant can destroy your life in the future like a butterfly effect.
I hope this is goodbye forever. However, it depends on you.

P.S. The countdown is on. The choice is yours.

[News Packaging] Boost your brand with standout packaging




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Shanghai - Paris


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